Writing a CI pipeline file for Jenkins

The CI pipeline used for Jenkins CI is called Jenkinsfile. Jenkinsfile can be of two types:

  1. Scripted Jenkinsfile

  2. Declarative Jenkinsfile

Jenkinfile Examples

Following is an example of scripted jenkinfile.

    stage('*** Phase 1 ***') {
        //Using bash commands
        sh '''#!/bin/bash
            echo "Hello World !\n"

The above jenkinsfile prints “Hello World !” on the console output. The node indicates the build executor where you would like to run your build. If there is nothing written with node, the build can run on any build executor.

The above jenkinsfile can be written in Declarative syntax as below:

pipeline {
    agent any

    stages {
        stage('*** Phase 1 ***') {
            steps {
                // Using bash commands
                sh '''#!/bin/bash
                    echo "Hello World !\n"